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 2010 VLN Calendar

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Messaggi : 168
Data d'iscrizione : 2009-09-24
Età : 32
Località : Padania Libera

2010 VLN Calendar Empty
PostSubject: 2010 VLN Calendar   2010 VLN Calendar Icon_minitime9/1/2010, 20:27

Here is the official calendar of the 2010 Langstrecken Meisterschaft Nurburgring or simply called VLN

27/03 – 57th ADAC Westfalenfahrt
10/04 – 35th DMV 4-Stunden-Rennen
24/04 – 52nd ADAC ACAS H&R-Cup
12/06 – 41st Adenauer ADAC Rundstrecken-Trophy
03/07 – 50th ADAC Reinoldus-Langstreckenrennen
17/07 – 33rd DMV Grenzlandrennen
31/07 – 6h ADAC Ruhr-Pokal-Rennen
25/09 – 42nd ADAC Barbarossapreis
16/10 – 34th DMV 250-Meilen-Rennen
30/10 – 35th DMV Münsterlandpokal
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2010 VLN Calendar
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